The “G8 of the Web” or the “eG8”, the next step for more control?

The G8 of the web will be in Paris on May 24th and 25th of this year

Alaina Giordano got a premature death sentence

The next fight for Alaina will be to have the possibility to take her sons with her even if she is struggling with her medication to fight cancer

Facebook is now inspiring parents… sad or funny?

An Israeli couple was inspired by Facebook and named their baby " Like "

Bill Gates wants to “save 10 million lives before 2020”

Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft and one of the biggest living philanthropists asked the world leaders to make vaccines’ research a priority in order to “ save 10 million lives" before 2020

Stefano Ottomano: a brilliant inspiration

What makes Mr. Ottomano unique is his capacity to try new ways of composing and play music

LinkedIn values itself at $3billion!

LinkedIn will go public on New York Stock Exchange later this month QR

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Showing posts with label State Agency. Show all posts
Showing posts with label State Agency. Show all posts

Friday, May 20, 2011

Dominique Strauss-Kahn, a success for the IMF

The idea here is not to judge what is widely discussed everywhere. An investigation is running and will probably be the reflection of what really happened.

We have no knowledge of the facts so we will only focus ourselves on what Mr Strauss-Kahn did when he was the head of the IMF.

1/ The achievements

The reform of the voting rights:

Six months were necessary for DSK to make members reach an agreement. The voting rights have been recalculated and now give more power to emerging countries. The IMF reached a consensus on the new distribution of votes that is much closer to what the world’s economy is like today.

The improvement of the finances:

The accounts of the IMF were in such a bad shape in 2007 that it was necessary for DSK to make them sell some of their gold reserves. Budget cuts were also established and a lot of executives were fired. The organization has never been as rich as it is today! For that reason, members decided in April 2009 to triple IMF’s resources and in November 2010 to double their own contribution to the capital of the organization.

Interest-free loans for poor countries:

It is under Strauss-Kahn that, for the first time in its history, the IMF decided in July 2009 to cancel the interests of the poorest countries for a period of two and a half years; period that can be extended.

The modernization of the loans’ instruments and surveillance:

Facing the world economic crisis, the IMF looked for ways to protect countries that were not necessarily in a desperate situation. He invented in 2009 a "flexible" credit line for the countries that are well managed. A report will also be issued by the IMF this summer and will study the cross-border repercussions of the different “big savings” policies that have been put in place in China, United States, Great Britain, Japan and in the Euro zone.

2/ What he was still working on

The reform of the international monetary system:

Few member states are satisfied how the system works and DSK wanted to place the IMF at the top of the upcoming reform. He resigned after having only drawing the directions to follow.

The restoration of the image of the IMF in countries facing difficulties:

Strauss-Kahn was often delighted to notice that thanks to his changes, the IMF was better considered now than before in countries where the institution had left a disastrous souvenir (South Korea, Indonesia,…). African countries, Brazil and India had always seen the IMF as being one of the tools of the developed nations against them but this image was also deeply changing. DSK wanted now to tackle the bad feeling countries where he had to intervene and impose draconian rigorous programs have towards the IMF. He will not have the time to and therefore the IMF will remain particularly unpopular in countries such as Romania, Greece, Portugal and Ireland.

The change of the institution’s world vision:

Dominique Strauss-Kahn, coming from the political world, has pronounced speeches on the disparities and the damages of the financial globalization that have been widely acclaimed. However, he didn’t have the time to transform his words into actions and the IMF remains an example of the domination of the western countries over the rest of the world.

No one needs to be pro Strauss-Kahn to notice that he has done a great job for the institution and that he followed perfectly what he had in mind. He has been appointed by Western countries and he has served them well. He even managed to “clean” the IMF by improving its finances and renew its image around the world.

Everybody knew he was one of the greatest economists of these times and he proved it everyday acting as one of the most influential person in the world.

Now, countries are fighting and are proposing their own candidates. We are talking a lot about having someone from an emerging country but it seems that Europe, Japan, US and Russia are particularly reluctant.

Mrs Lagarde will probably be the candidate of the countries of the G8 and we will see if, in the case she is appointed, she brings the same spirit and energy Mr Strauss-Kahn did.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Russia: the Kremlin explains to children why a country needs a political opposition.

The Kremlin launched yesterday on its website a section dedicated to Russian children. The goal is to make them understand why a country needs a “political opposition”. The section has been designed child-friendly and is full of coloured animations.

Doing that, Russian administration wants to show that they highly consider the opposition and that it is not as marginalized as other countries think it is.

The section is available on and is entitled “what is an opposition and why do we need it”. Kids can find a lot of questions-answers forms explaining the positive role of independent media or the importance of listening to political opponents even if sometimes it is “unbearable and they don’t make any sense”.

To the question “ why the political power needs to listen to its opponents”, the Kremlin answers that it is “to protect the power of making errors and to protect the population of its potential abuse”. The Kremlin concludes its report by saying that “in a democratic country, the power is organized in a way that even its opponents are useful for the State”.

The author of this project is Grigori Oster and is one of the most famous Russian write for children. He made it because “we tried to explain to children that in a normal democratic state, the opposition should not slow down the government but on the contrary be of a great help”.

This project is definitely very interesting, especially in a country like Russia that is often reduced to a non-democratic entity by Europe and the US.

In one year, new presidential elections will take place in Russia and for the moment the discussions are focused on who will run for the ruling party. This is for sure a very good communicational tool and maybe a proof that the situation in Russia is not as bad as we imagine it over here.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Bill Gates wants to “save 10 million lives before 2020”

This Tuesday, Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft and one of the biggest living philanthropists asked the world leaders to make vaccines’ research a priority in order to “ save 10 million lives" before 2020.

He made this announcement during the 64th Health World Assembly, which gathers in Geneva about sixty Ministers and 1.800 delegates representing 193 members of the WHO.

Bill Gates, in his speech, was speaking to donor countries and told them to invest more and more in vaccines and immunizations "even if you have to face budgetary crisis"..

Gates stated that thanks to these new investments " Effective systems of immunization will put an end to polio and will allow all children to enjoy five or six new vaccines".

The President of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation made the promise that “We can save four million lives before 2015, and 10 million lives before 2020".

Knowing that a leadership is "essential" to realize his vision, Bill Gates announced that from 2012, his foundation would offer a prize to the person or the organization that would make an innovative and exclusive contribution to the next decade that he named the “decade of vaccines”.

He ended his speech by saying that "The best systems of immunization work when the leaders feel responsible for results".

Calling for world leaders to contribute more and try to make them invest more in research is a very good initiative indeed. But Bill Gates, as being one of the most influential people in the world, probably knows better than no one how things work and move.
He personally benefited from a system that puts profits and assets before anything else. The problem here is not to ask governments to do more efforts especially in a time of important economic recession.

Populations in developed countries are obviously touched by the awful situation in Africa and other parts of the world but are far more concerned by their own problems now.

Instead of calling for governments again and again, Bill Gates and his wealthy contributors should be better try to talk to the big organizations that are actually making profits on this situation.

Big pharmaceutical companies owned by banks prefer to waste vaccines and medicines instead of selling them at a lower price to countries that need them more than anything else.

This is the business they are into and the economical logic they are following is clear and indisputable. Good luck to everyone trying to make them understand that their business model should be changed in order to become philanthropic organizations…

Maybe this is on what governments could act by changing some laws and policies…

But who will pay for the more and more expensive political campaigns afterwards?

Monday, May 16, 2011

The Cyberspace, a vital concern

The American presidency office has announced yesterday that the White House is ready to reveal this week its propositions regarding the international cooperation in the cyberspace.

The document, which will be revealed today, is entitled " US International Strategy for Cyberspace" and has been long-waited by the International Community.

It is the "first political document of this kind showing our global vision on the future of the international cooperation concerning the cyberspace", has explained the White House in a statement.

The idea of the document is to show how America wants to emphasize several "partnerships with other countries and other people to insure prosperity, security and the openness the United States are looking for in a more and more interconnected world".

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who made the freedom on the Internet one of her priorities, will talk about this this week. Mrs Clinton's points will discuss the potential role of the cyberspace into defending American interests.

The speech will also talk about the importance of having an international cooperation that will put the cyberspace at the centre of attentions in foreign policy discussions.

Obama’s administration said that the President will attend the event with his special adviser for the antiterrorism, Mr John Brennan. The Minister of Justice Eric Holder and the Minister of Internal Security, Mrs Janet Napolitano will also be attending.

This announcement intervened just after the presentation by the White House of the main parts of a project that aims to strengthen the power the administration and the private sector have against cyber attacks. The White House plans to ask the main actors of the energy, transport and financial sectors to work out how to improve the security on their networks.

The US seem to be determined to move fast. Once again Europe and the others have to decide if they just want to follow or if they want to be a proposal force..

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

From Movie to Reality…They are watching you!

If you have ever seen the movie Minority Report with Tom Cruise or read 1984 by George Orwell this will sound familiar.

A big step has been made by police forces in the UK today.

The Metropolitan Police has announced that they have bought a new software called GEOTIME which will allow them to map suspects’ digital movements!

This software, already used by US Military, is a security programme that shows an individual’s movements and communications with other people.

All information gathered from social networking sites, satellite navigation equipment, mobile phones, financial transactions and IP network logs can be put together using GEOTIME and show the results on a three-dimensional graphic!

Obviously a few concerns have been rising already and lawyers are worried that this software could be used to monitor innocent parties also, and not only suspects or criminals.

Campaigners for Privacy, freedom of speech, assembly and movement, have called the Metropolitan Police to have more information on how this software will be used by them.

The Met said that they are not using it yet as it is still in the testing period. The Ministry of Defense is also investigating on the software.

For the moment GEOTIME is only assessed as part of research for the Met and the Ministry of Defense but we can bet that it will be used very soon and that we will soon have our own three-dimensional graphic in a few official offices…

We will of course keep you updated on the evolution of the investigations but watch out for the big eye…

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Top 7 science superpowers | BBC Focus Magazine