Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Do you want to watch a future day?

This video shows us a "possible overview" of how a normal day could be in our next future,

It's amazing to see how the people think and dream and actually apply themselves on the realization of their views.

After having watched this video and actually believe that something like that will take place in the future I think our generation is completely different from the past ones.

We are living in a "kind of present" that it's already a future because we strictly believe in new technology coming out and after a day is already a remote past!

I was thinking about the complete different approach to the technology we have in comparison with our parents for example.

Our parents that watched not so far ago the first man on the moon, but they were skeptical about mobile phones or Internet or flying cars or iPhone...
Our parents that watching star treck were thinking without any doubt that it was just pure imagination, something incredible, something just for movies, something that couldn't have been taken in consideration if talking about future applied technology but then, we are going to Mars..

And us? Aren't we a generation of dreamers? I think the internet revolution has been one of the biggest revolution of the entire history, I am not talking about business but idea.

Internet lets people talk, communicate, share and develop easily and faster.

Any people nowadays is allowed to dream and actually find a solution to realize an idea!
This is the power of our generation!

the real possibility to realize our dream :)


Interesting point of view, but are you sure that the everyday faster developing of new technology and access to massive quantity of information is an opportunity to realize our dreams? Or maybe is overwhelming us?

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