Saturday, May 14, 2011

Do you want to lose weight? “Big Brother nutritionist!”

Yes, if you want to loose weight hopefully in a few month you will be helped by the new version of the Big Brother… the Nutritionist one!

This is the ambitious project supported by the American first lady, Michelle Obama.

This project cost $2 million and it consist on installing cameras in the refectory of 5 primary schools in Texas,
These cameras will take pictures of the trays of all the students when they take food and after the meal when they leave the trays in the apposite space.

This new system will match the taken information and thanks to the bar code of the packages and an accurate analysis of the food left in the trays of each student will calculate the numbers of calories that any student has got.

Then this new software will give advices according with all the analyzed info and the type of student to improve his/her specific diet and let them have a better alimentation.

This program has been widely accepted by the 90% of the parents of the students attending these 5 specific “test” schools in Texas.

All the schools in Texas will use this system if proven to be successful.

Surkld’s point of view:  unfortunately in US the obesity is a big problem, it cost million every year and obese have a really bad life style.
The health care is struggling with the debt and only rich people can afford specific medical expenses.
The idea of the “big brother in the refectory” is not bad.  Ok for sure someone will complain for privacy, etc..  
But anything done to prevent a disease as to be analyzed carefully hoping that it will finally works.


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